Fund Ehitus

OCCO: Project budgeting, furniture sales, delivery, installation

INTERIOR ARCHITECTS: Hannelore Kääramees ja Kristina Kaev / Arhitekt 11

In cooperation with Arhitekt 11 and interior architects Hannelore Kääramees and Kristina Kaev, the office of Fund Ehitus was completed, for which cosiness and dignity were very important. The colour scheme of the items highlights their uniqueness and doesn't leave anyone unimpressed. The wooden details provide cosiness and go well together with the bright tones. Quinti Manta's armchairs in the lounge create a pleasant environment for relaxation. The office chair's orange colour adds joy to everyday life and goes well together with the wooden details. The black table legs add a luxurious and classical touch. Narbutas Motion's moving tables are excellent for making a long working day more comfortable, and the wooden side panels hide the wires, leaving an elegant overall impression.

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